
Tokyo Metropolitan University and OCAMI (Osaka City University)

Study Meeting: Mathematics and Computers


Thursday 22 May 2008 in Akihabara (TMU Branch Office), room 5A-2 of Akihabara Dai-Biru (adjacent to Akihabara JR Station, "Akihabara Electric Town" exit)

Friday 23 May 2008 at TMU Minami-Ohsawa Campus, room 610 of Building 8 (Faculty of Science and Technology), 10 minutes walk from Minami-Ohsawa Station on the Keio Sagami Line

Please see below for program

Organizing committee: Martin Guest (Tokyo Metropolitan University), Sanae Kurosu (Tokyo Metropolitan University), Takashi Sakai (Osaka City University), Hironori Sakai (Tokyo Metropolitan University)

AIM: The purpose of this meeting is to exchange information about mathematics software, and to encourage mathematics students to use software in their research. There will be an emphasis on geometry (in the widest sense) and the visualization software 3D-XplorMath. However, other areas of mathematics, and other software such as Maple and Mathematica, are likely to be represented. Students in particular are invited to contribute talks. Each talk (approximately 30 minutes) should introduce some aspect of mathematics, and illustrate it using computer software. Travel expenses may be available for a limited number of student participants.

It is possible to attend both days, or just one day. The talks on 22 May will emphasize basic mathematical concepts and their computer implementation. The talks on 23 May will be more specialised.

HOW TO REGISTER: Please send a message to Takashi Sakai (tsakai (at) sci.osaka-cu.ac.jp) stating
(1) your name, university, and position (non-students) or year of study (students)
(2) which days you plan to attend (5/22 or 5/23 or both)
(3) whether you wish to apply for travel expenses (students only)
(4) whether you wish to give a 30 minute talk (in that case, please send the title and a brief abstract)

TO SPEAKERS: A computer projector and whiteboard(s) will be available in the meeting room on 22 May. There will be no OHP, however. On 23 May, a computer projector, OHP, and blackboards will be available. No internet connection will be available on either day.

PROGRAM (titles can be found on the Japanese page)


Morning Session 10:00-12:00 Hibiki Matsumoto (TMU, D2), Yukako Tanaka (Nara Ed. Univ., M1), Saki Okuhara (TMU, M1), Hironori Sakai (TMU, D4)

Afternoon Session 1 13:30-16:00 Shogo Takashige (TMU, M1), Hiroyuki Maeda (TMU, M1), Yusuke Kinoshita (OCU, M1), Tateyama (Kobe, M2), Takashi Sakai (OCU)

Afternoon Session 2 17:00-19:00 Hiraku Abe (TMU, M2), Atsushi Yamamori (Nagoya, D1), Masaki Kuno (TMU, M1), Kurando Baba (Tokyo Univ. Sci., D3)


Morning Session 10:30-12:00 Ramiro Carrillo (TMU), Gleb Novitchkov (Keio/TMU)

Afternoon Session 14:00-15:00 Robert Sinclair (OIST)

TMU geometry seminars:

Daisuku Nakajo (Kyushu) 15:30-16:30
David Brander (Kobe) 16:45-17:45