2003 NCTS-NSF Workshop on Differential Equations, Surface Theory, and Mathematical Visualization

Mirror Sites: Taiwan; Tokyo

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此課在2003年二月三月在國家理論科學研究中心 舉行. This workshop took place on 2003 February-March at National Center for Theoretical Sciences, Taiwan.

此研習會宣告頁 Workshop announcement page.

本頁存有此課的講稿,Mathematica和MatLab電腦程式作業以及照片. This web page contains the course info, lecture notes, participants' Mathematica and MatLab computer programs projects, as well as photos of the course.

講師 Lecturers

Professor 騰楚蓮 Chuu-Lian Terng (Northeastern University)
Professor Ricard Palais (Brandeis University)
Professor Hermann Karcher (University of Bonn in Germany)
Professor Martin A Guest (Tokyo Metropolitan University)
Programer 李昱 Xah Lee

講稿 Lecture Notes:

Surfaces in R^3
(Chuu-Lian Tern)

Equations of Evolution
(Richard Palais)

Introduction to the Complex Analysis of Minimal Surfaces
(Hermann Karcher)

Lattice Models
(Martin A Guest)

Mathematica lecture notes (to be edited and uploaded.)
(Xah Lee)

Hermann Karcher's MatLab programs

Weichung Wang's MatLab Intro lecture notes


國立清華大學 National Tsing Hua University participants:
 team 1:
   林楨芸 Lin2 Zhen1-Yun2 <u890249@oz.nthu.edu.tw>
   賴馨華 Lai4 Xin1-Hua2 <u890275@oz.nthu.edu.tw> ?
 team 2:
   蘇哲聖 Shu1 Zhe2-Sheng4 <u890250@oz.nthu.edu.tw>
   麥文泓 Mai4 Wen2-Hong2 <u890274@oz.nthu.edu.tw>
 team 3:
   黃彥彰 Huang2 Yan2-Zhang1 <g903206@oz.nthu.edu.tw>
   劉珈銘 Liu2 Jia1-Min2 (Frank) <g913202@oz.nthu.edu.tw>
   張廷暉 Zhang1 Tin2-Hue1 <g903211@oz.nthu.edu.tw>

中正大學 Chung Cheng University participants:
 team 4:
   李昀陞 Li3 Jun1-Shen1 <leeus0521@yahoo.com.tw> <g9024009@mthmp.math.ccu.edu.tw> ?
   林得勝 Lin2 De2-Shen4 <pricelin@alumni.ccu.edu.tw>
   許毓雯 Xu3 Yu4-Wen2 <u8721009@ccunix.ccu.edu.tw>
 team 5:
   陳瑞堂 Chen2 Rui3-Tang2 <d8921001@mthmp.math.ccu.edu.tw>
   葉秀玲 Ye4 Sho4-Lin2 (Shirley) <n6512197@ms27.hinet.net>
   羅郁雲 Luo2 Dou1-Xie3
交通大學 National Chiao Tung University participants:
 team 6:
   林吟衡 Lin2 Yin2-Heng2 <yhlin.am91g@nctu.edu.tw>
   葉絲穎 Yeh Szu-yin <fox.am87@nctu.edu.tw>
   李雅文 Li Ya3 Wen2 <yawen.am90g@nctu.edu.tw>
Other Participants
 Charles Roaz croaz@hotmail.com (title?)
 李華倫 Li3 Hua2-Lun2 hualun@chu.edu.tw (professor at 中華大學 Chung Hua university)
 李大中 Li3 Ta4-Zhong1 (professor at Tsing Hua University.)
 Weichung Wang
 other teacher's name xxx?

電腦作業 Computer Projects

Project List
Chuu-Lian Tern and Richard Palais's

Hermann Karcher's

(Martin Guest's are included in his lecture notes)

Completed Projects. (more to come)

林楨芸 Lin2 Zhen1-Yun2 (team 1). team1projects.tar.gz

麥文泓 Mai4 Wen2-Hong2 (team 2). Mai4_Wen2-Hong2.tar.gz

黃彥彰 Huang2 Yan2-Zhang1 (team 3). On Fundamental Theorem of Surfaces. Huang_Yan-Zhang.tar.gz

中正大學 Chung Cheng University (team 4 and 5). (More to come, as of 2003-03-21.). team45projects.zip

交通大學 National Chiao Tung University (team 6). team6projects.tar.gz

照片 Photos

線上觀賞 View online

底案存檔 Download originals: 200303photo.tar (15 MB)
(use WinZip or StuffIt to decompress the file.)

Last Updated: 2003-04-13.
Please send suggestions to one of:
  "騰楚蓮 Chuu-Lian Terng" <terng@neu.edu>
  "Ricard Palais" <palais@brandeis.edu>
  "Hermann Karcher" <karcher@math.uni-bonn.de>
  "Martin A Guest" <martin@comp.metro-u.ac.jp>
  "Xah Lee" <xah@xahlee.org>

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