東京都立大学カルタンセミナーサイト The Tokyo Metropolitan University Cartan Seminar Site

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セミナー情報 - Seminar Information



このセミナーでは幾何学とトポロジーにおけるいくつかの基本事項の習得を目標とする。テキストは T.A.Ivey and J.M.Landsberg "Cartan for Beginners" を使用し、また毎回レクチャーノートを作成して参加者全員に配布する予定である。

The Geometry group of the Mathematics Departament in the Tokyo Metropolitan University is holding during this semester the first period of the "TMU E. Cartan Seminar" .

The aim of the seminar is to study several fundamental topics in classic geometry, Riemannian geometry, exterior differential systems, projective geometry and topology (Many of which originated in the works of E.Cartan ) in a friendly but active enviroment among students and researchers.  

The reference book is "Cartan for Beginners" by T. A. Ivey and J. M. Landsberg.   We will make lecture notes and distribute these to all participants.

Date: Wednesday. Every 2 weeks starting from April 20 2005.
Time and location:

15:00 - 17:00. Room 305 of the Faculty of Science bulding (Now building 8) Minami Ohsawa Campus.

The last seminar of this semester will be held on July 20.

For details about the seminar schedule program please visit the news section. Reagarding lectures and notes please consult the rules and suggestions section.

Do you want to participate or attend? Do you have questions or comments? Please contact our Organizing committee: Akio Yabe and Hiroko Uchiyama. or the Scientific committee: Martin Guest, Yoshinobu Kamishima and Sakai Takashi.




This Web Site is maintained by: Ramiro Carrillo Catalan.

Last Update: 03/06/05.


Contact Us | ©2005 Tokyo Metropolitan University. Mathematics Departament.