It is intended to collect here short expository articles on geometry, directed towards advanced undergraduate and beginning graduate students, in order to provide information on current research topics.

In each case the author owns the copyright to the article. Articles may be downloaded for personal use, but further distribution should not be undertaken without the permission of the author.

Articles will be maintained as an informal collection, and modifications/withdrawals will be permitted at any time. See below for submission instructions.

[links to articles are currently under construction]

1. Energy of knots and conformal geometry

by Jun O'Hara


2. Conformally flat structures and their friends

by Yoshinobu Kamishima


FURTHER INFORMATION [Japanese version available]

3. A crash course of Floer homology for Lagrangian intersections

by Manabu Akaho

DOWNLOAD ARTICLE (short version by Hironori Sakai) [Japanese version available]

FURTHER INFORMATION [Japanese version available]

4. On the Willmore conjecture

by Naoya Ando

DOWNLOAD ARTICLE [Japanese version available]

FURTHER INFORMATION [Japanese version available]



Contributed articles should

- be TeX files (the output will be displayed here as pdf files)

- be in English or Japanese

- be BETWEEN ONE AND THREE typeset pages (longer articles will be considered and referenced as "further information", provided that a short version is submitted at the same time)

- contain references and/or www references for further study.

Articles should be submitted by e-mail to

martin at comp.metro-u.ac.jp